This Blog is no longer receiving active posts due to a family loss which lead to the forced sale of the Pollinator Potager's location. I am pleased to relate that the garden is still being tended by the new property owner, for which I am grateful. The memories of my Pollinator Potager Project will remain here, and in my heart.

Thursday 14 September 2017

Simple Gifts

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Chinese Anemone
A Gift for our Garden, and Pollinators
from Miriam & Larry's Garden

My aunt Miriam recently remarried and moved from an apartment to the home of her new husband, Larry.

They now share a pretty bungalow near the lake-shore in Burlington; a charming little love nest; framed front, back and sides by garden, grass, porches and a lovely little private deck off the kitchen.

After Miriam was well and truly ensconced in her new home, my mom and I were invited out for a look-see; and, I was able to avail myself of some of their perennials that needed thinning out. Lucky me, I brought home some Chinese Anemone, Loosestrife, and ornamental grasses for our garden.

Miriam's always been generous with her time, sense of humour and her possessions; and, I'm grateful for her kindness to my mother. She once gave me a useful book about perennials, and this isn't even the first time she's bestowed plants for my garden.

Life is too short to be stingy with shareable items, inside or outside your home. Miriam's simple gifts are examples of how her generous spirit spreads beauty and caring from one person to another, and in our case, one garden to another.

We thank Miriam and Larry for keeping us in their thoughts, as they settle into their new life together. We'll be thinking of them often, too; especially, when our garden blooms again next year.