This Blog is no longer receiving active posts due to a family loss which lead to the forced sale of the Pollinator Potager's location. I am pleased to relate that the garden is still being tended by the new property owner, for which I am grateful. The memories of my Pollinator Potager Project will remain here, and in my heart.

Tuesday 6 June 2017


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Dill Seedlings
Ready for Transplant

I've spent the last few days transplanting seedlings that I've been growing over the last few weeks and months.

I'm now growing lettuce, kale, romaine, broccoli, beets, carrots, pickling cucumbers, and mammoth dill in containers on my front porch and in my potager garden. Some of them are a little straggly and could possibly need to be replaced with garden center plugs, but I'm going to give them a chance.

When the rain stops, I’ll be moving the container of lettuce, kale and romaine to an elevated rot iron stand, to help keep rabbits from eating them while they fill out in the garden.

Annual and perennial milkweed, calendula, clematis, and campion plant-lets, all grown from seed, have also been transplanted to larger pots for hardening off. Some will make their way to the garden in a week or two: The Maltese cross campion, some 36 healthy plants grown from seeds of a plant I received as a gift last summer, will mostly be gifted forward.

Transplanting is strangely cathartic. It’s soothing to see the tiny seeds you’ve planted and tended, grow big enough to be moved to larger pots or straight into the ground out of doors; that said, it’s all-the-more intriguing to think how fulfilling it will be when these sprouts eventually produce flowers and produce.